Tiffany Heggebo
The Website & Channel
In May 2020... wait, do I really need to describe what I was doing? We were all doing the same thing at that time: permanently existing in pajamas, ordering too much food delivery, and finishing off the last of the entire Netflix library. So I decided to dedicate my time to something productive: I started a YouTube channel.
I had dabbled in witchcraft and Paganism on and off from the age of 8, but finally put all my doubts and fears aside and truly committed myself to my spirituality, journey, and craft in 2014. Or maybe it was 2015? ...2013? Who cares. All that really matters is that I had finally found something that brought me peace, empowerment, and fulfillment. Nowadays, I refer to myself as an Agnostic Eclectic Pagan Witch who dabbles in Chaos Magick and the occult. (It's wordy, but until I can get my nickname of "High Supreme Witch Bitch" to stick, that's what I'm working with.)
In my earlier studies, I felt overwhelmed and bemused (hence the name) by the vast amount of information at my disposal and how disorganized it all seemed to be. It took years to wade through it all and make sense of what information, practices, and ingredients belonged to which tradition, path, or magical method. Which were shared, which were appropriated, which were completely made up by one author that I happened upon and should probably disregard? Frankly, it was exhausting, but I am nothing if not an avid learner. I loved having all that information at my fingertips but hated how jumbled it all seemed. I also resented the fact that I would discover many wonderful creators, who were not only eclectics like myself, but also clarified so many things for me, only for them to completely disappear from the internet. (As a creator myself now, I can't blame them--the pay isn't great, especially in the beginning, and the work can be a huge time strain.) Once I reached a point that I felt I had something valuable to share and enough knowledge and experience to start guiding others, I knew I wanted to put myself out there.
There was one other flaw I was commonly seeing in the community, and that was the issue of gatekeeping. I don't mean those defending closed practices, I'm talking about the people complaining about beginners having questions and those willing to die on the hill of "you absolutely cannot replace x ingredient with y." The people that will argue that their practice is more valid because they use the spirit model and the energy model is just for new agers. Fortunately, these people do not make up the majority of the community, but boy are they loud.
I wanted to create a space to encourage diversity in the craft. Your practice and spirituality are your own and should be as unique as you are. Unless looking at two members of the same, very specific tradition, no two belief sets are going to look alike, and I think that's something to be celebrated. Part of what sets the Pagan path apart is its flexibility and freedom, and I don't want any newcomers to be discouraged or fall under the impression that they are signing up for dogma.
The YouTube channel is still going strong and now I have decided to expand with this website as a place to post blog versions of my videos, sell my digital products and journals, offer courses, and hopefully reach more practitioners.
Whether you are new to my work or been here since the beginning, and whether you are new to this path or been on it for some time: welcome. I hope to share the journey with you.
-Tiffany Heggebo
June 2022
Curious about me outside of my obvious spiritual beliefs?
I was born and am currently living in the San Francisco Bay Area. However, I spent several years living in Orange County in Southern California and before that, I lived abroad during the time I was working for Carnival Cruise Lines as an entertainer.
Aside from creating content for lovely people like you, I also work in the funeral industry full-time and freelance as an actress, writer, and filmmaker. At the time of writing this, I am in the process of editing the second draft of my first horror novel and editing a short film that will soon be submitted to festivals. While I previously worked in the fitness industry as a certified personal trainer, I now only enjoy fitness as a hobby and healthy lifestyle choice. Other hobbies include PC gaming, D&D, reading until my eyes shrivel up, watching movies with my husband and then critiquing them to death even if I loved them, doing just about anything outdoors, and striking a balance between overwhelming myself by taking on too many projects at once and getting petrified by anxiety because I'm NoT dOiNg EnOuGh.
I am very open about my mental health issues (Bipolar and Generalized Anxiety Disorders) and talk about them in my content. Screw the stigma, none of us are alone.
To sum it all up, I've never met a dog or smelled a scented candle that I didn't like. I don't have a motto, but if I did I guess it would be something like "Stay spooky. Get weird. Be creative."
As I get asked for my acting work a lot, in lieu of linking to my entire resume, here are two of my favorite short films I've been in:
Sticky Note Love Story - The sweetest creature feature you'll ever watch
JUMPER(s) - TW for suggestions of suicide, mentions of suicidal ideation and attempt