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Q1. Can you cast a spell for me?
A1. Yes, I can! I previously did not offer spellcasting services, but have recently changed my position on this. To see what I offer, please check out my shop.
Q2. What about a divination reading?
A2. Sorry but not at this time. In addition to this site and the channel, I also have a full-time job and a baby. I just don't have the time it takes to perform customer service, the reading, record the video, etc.
Q3. If I don't have x ingredient for a spell, can I replace it with y? Or can you tell me what to replace it with?
A3. I always believe that spells should be customized. If you already intuitively know what an ingredient can be replaced with, then go for it! Otherwise, please read this article. It's your spell, so you're the only person who can answer that.
Q4. I would love to collaborate with you on an article/podcast/video/etc. OR I would love to work with you in another business capacity. Are you interested?
A4. Probably! Please e-mail me at or contact me with the form at the bottom of this page.
Q5. I noticed a typo in one of your articles. Should I let you know?
A5. Please do! I hate typos, and I'm not going to pretend I'm a perfect writer. I'm just a one-witch show with no editor. If you catch something, please contact me or leave a comment on the appropriate article.
Q6. Can you please find Jesus? (Or something to that effect)
A6. Look, I appreciate your intention. I was a churchgoing Christian at one point in time and Jesus as a historical figure is a pretty cool guy, but Christianity isn't the path for me. That said, if you have questions about my spirituality that you're asking in good faith and with genuine curiosity, I'm happy to answer them! I appreciate anyone who takes the time to learn about other faiths, even if they don't believe themselves. However, I do not go to Christian blogs or YouTube channels and harass, condemn, or try to convert their creators or audiences, so in that regard, please leave us be.
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