Dec 18, 20247 min read
Working with and Honoring Your Ancestors
H onoring deceased relatives and ancestors, as well as requesting guidance and assistance from them, is a long-standing tradition that...

Oct 10, 20244 min read
STOP Following All the Rules!
Magick is not an exact science. There is no one single way to get things done in regards to techniques for performing effective magick and p

Jul 7, 20246 min read
Casting a Circle
Circle casting is a common and often introductory technique for witches and magick practitioners. Why cast a circle? Types of Circles & How

Oct 8, 20234 min read
Creating a Witchy Atmosphere
One phenomena that appears to be true across the occult board is an increased success rate when the caster truly believes in magick and thei

Jul 9, 20238 min read
Self-Initiation into Witchcraft
There are many reasons why a solitary or eclectic practitioner (or one who just hasn't found their path or group yet) would want to perform

Apr 16, 20236 min read
Finishing a Spell: Burn, Bury, or Disperse
Some pre-written spells will tell you burn your ingredients. Some will say bury. Others suggest you get them as far away from you as possibl

Feb 19, 20237 min read
Introduction to Scrying
In this article, we'll discuss
What is Scrying?
How to Scry
Scrying Methods

Jan 15, 20233 min read
Knot Magick Basics
Cord magick, string magick, knot magick, witches rosaries, witches ladders: these are all related terms for a similar set of practices invol

Dec 11, 20226 min read
Creativity to Enhance Your Spells
...embellishing your spiritual work and rituals with a touch of your personal creativity can bring about dramatic results.

Oct 16, 20225 min read
The Magick of Moon Water
A versatile ingredient, lunar energy in a bottle, and one of the first ingredients many new witches pick up: moon water.

Oct 9, 202210 min read
Cleansing Your Personal Energy
We are going to discuss methods of self-cleansing and uncrossing in order to rid yourself of curses and negative energy.

Aug 14, 20226 min read
Visualization for Witchcraft, Magick, & Manifestation
Despite being a fundamental part of practicing magick, visualization seems to be a topic that is rarely covered in introductory texts.

Jul 31, 20228 min read
Must Haves for a Beginner's Magick Kit
What are the top must-have items for every new witch to get into their magick kit ASAP?

Jul 24, 202212 min read
An Introduction to Chaos Magick
Most magick practitioners will, at one time or another, come across chaos magick. Today, I want to uncover the basics for you.

Jul 11, 202220 min read
12 Tips for New Witches & Magick Practitioners
So you've heard the witchcraft calling! Okay, cool, great. So where do you go from there?

Jul 1, 202213 min read
Demystifying Magickal Correspondences
Where do magickal correspondences, properties, & associations come from? Can I replace x spell ingredient with y? Let's unravel the mysterie

Jun 29, 202213 min read
Everything You Need to Know about the Wheel of the Year
The Wheel of the Year: Where did it come from? Who celebrates the Pagan sabbats? What even IS a sabbat? Answers to these questions and more!

Jun 28, 20227 min read
Meditation & Magick
There are numerous ways daily meditation can benefit you as a person and as a magickal practitioner. What are they & how to start?