Oct 10, 20244 min read
STOP Following All the Rules!
Magick is not an exact science. There is no one single way to get things done in regards to techniques for performing effective magick and p

Nov 5, 20235 min read
Demons in Pagan Practice
Today I want to uncover for you the truth behind demons in Pagan beliefs and practices.

Oct 8, 20234 min read
Creating a Witchy Atmosphere
One phenomena that appears to be true across the occult board is an increased success rate when the caster truly believes in magick and thei

Apr 16, 20236 min read
Finishing a Spell: Burn, Bury, or Disperse
Some pre-written spells will tell you burn your ingredients. Some will say bury. Others suggest you get them as far away from you as possibl

Aug 5, 20225 min read
The Five Models of Magick
The five models of magick were developed in an effort to illustrate the processes by which magick has been used over time and to try to expl

Jul 24, 202212 min read
An Introduction to Chaos Magick
Most magick practitioners will, at one time or another, come across chaos magick. Today, I want to uncover the basics for you.

Jun 28, 20227 min read
Meditation & Magick
There are numerous ways daily meditation can benefit you as a person and as a magickal practitioner. What are they & how to start?