Dec 10, 20233 min read
Kitchen Witchery: Yule Log
A yuletide tradition, the Yule Log cake is an incredible and popular bit of kitchen witchery that can be used to enchant any winter solstice

Oct 16, 20235 min read
Connecting to Samhain through Ritual
At Samhain, it is important to take at least a moment to honor the natural end of the life cycle--death--and acknowledge that without death

Sep 10, 20234 min read
Connecting to Mabon through Ritual
As we arrive at the Autumnal Equinox, it is important to take stock of all that has been bestowed upon us and show gratitude. Here is a ritu

Jul 30, 20235 min read
Connecting to Lughnasadh through Ritual
At the time of Lughnasadh, just as our Pagan predecessors were able to collect the first harvest and enjoy the fruits of their labor, it is

Jun 18, 20233 min read
Connecting to Midsummer through Ritual
At the Summer Solstice, it is important to take at least a moment to honor the sun. Here is a simple ritual just for that purpose.

Jun 12, 20236 min read
Exploring Litha
We are arriving at the first day of summer! What is the story behind our contemporary observations of this sabbat and how do we incorporate

Apr 30, 20236 min read
Exploring Beltane
Halfway between Spring and Summer, this sabbat gives us the last burst of Spring's fertile energy. A time for embracing both sexuality and s

Mar 16, 20236 min read
Exploring Ostara
The Spring Equinox is here and it's time to celebrate all that life, birth, and rejuvenation have to offer us!

Jan 29, 20237 min read
Exploring Imbolc
The ground is beginning to thaw and signs of Spring life are starting to pop up around us. Let's talk Imbolc!

Dec 18, 20222 min read
Yule Giving Spell
As Yule is the time for giving, what better way to celebrate this sabbat than with a spell of blessings and goodwill toward someone else.

Dec 16, 20228 min read
Exploring Yule
'Tis the season and the Winter Solstice is approaching! Below I will cover: a brief summary, history & background, celebrating, resources

Oct 30, 20226 min read
Feast with the Dead: How to Host a Dumb Supper
A common Pagan tradition for most sabbats is hosting a feast. But on the night of Samhain, when the veil between the worlds of the living an

Oct 26, 20229 min read
Exploring Samhain
The day considered the "holiest" of most witches' hallowed days is about to arrive: Samhain. I will cover a brief summary, history, celebrat

Sep 11, 20226 min read
Exploring Mabon
We are arriving at the first day of Autumn! But what is the story behind our contemporary observations of Mabon and how do we incorporate th

Jul 16, 20226 min read
Exploring Lughnasadh
This day marks the middle of summer. But what is the story behind Lughnasadh, how do we incorporate that into our celebrations, and what are

Jun 29, 202213 min read
Everything You Need to Know about the Wheel of the Year
The Wheel of the Year: Where did it come from? Who celebrates the Pagan sabbats? What even IS a sabbat? Answers to these questions and more!