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Ansuz - The Meanings of the Runes

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Ansuz, the fourth letter in the Elder Futhark alphabet, directly translates to "Odin", as the giver of language and life. This rune is a symbol for the breath of life that travels down the ancestral line as well as wisdom, language, and communication. The Norse viewed language as a powerful tool, but the rune poems often talk about balance. So while they cover the power of language, they also warn against speaking too much or speaking unwisely. Being the rune of the word, ansuz is connected to poetry, song, incantations, advice, wisdom, teaching, and knowledge.

There are some mythological accounts that portray Odin creating the runes himself, however, the most common story sees him going through a series of trials. He sacrifices himself in order to bring the runes to humankind and in order to possess that wisdom himself. Not only is a certain type of wisdom required in order to communicate, but communication allows people to share wisdom as well. So ansuz is also divine power gifted and manifested on the material plane.


Direct translation: Odin as the giver of language and life

Symbolizes: The breathe of life that travels the ancestral line, language and communication, spiritual growth or balance

Features to note: Connected to poetry, song, incantations, advice, wisdom, teaching, and knowledge. Divine power gifted and manifested on the material plane.

Next rune - Raidho >

Resources (paid links):

Taking Up the Runes by Diana L. Paxson

Runes for Beginners by Lisa Chamberlain




Hey, witches!

Tiffany Heggebo of Bewitching.Bemused here. My preferred tea flavor is eclectic Paganism with a teaspoon of ceremonial occult and a splash of Chaos Magick. Thanks for swinging by for a bit of my musings and meanderings along this crooked path.

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Tiffany at Bewitching.Bemused has been bringing you witchcraft, eclectic paganism, chaos magick, and occult content since May 2020.

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