Casting a Circle

Throughout time and across cultures and regions, the shape of the circle has held much significance and often sanctity. There are even ancient stone circles that historians have linked to nature worship and the practice of magic. It is therefore no surprise that circle casting is a common and often introductory technique for witches and magick practitioners.
Today we'll discuss
Why Cast a Circle?
Types of Circles & How to Cast Them
How to Open a Circle
Why Cast a Circle?
As is typical of anything in the craft, circle casting it neither a one-size-fits all practice nor is it one that everyone chooses to use. Some do, some don't, and for some it may depend on what they are casting. Some may skip it for quick charms and divination but cast it prior to larger rituals or busting out a Ouija board. It comes down to personal preference and/or the path you follow.
Circles--magick and otherwise--represent cycles such as the ones witnessed in nature and life, the solar cycle, flow and movement, balance, perfection, and infinity. Consider mandalas used for meditation and ritual, the circular clock and sundial, the Yin and Yang symbol. The circle is enclosed with no beginning or end, perfect symmetry and wholeness.
Other shapes may be suggested for specific tasks and depending on magick traditions such as a pyramid or square, but the circle is a versatile classic that every practitioner should know how to cast, even if they rarely bother to. It is a foundational practice that is good to have in your toolbox in case the need for it ever arises.
But what is the purpose of casting a circle?
More from outside influence and interference than from actual danger, but that could apply as well depending on the spell or invocation. Another practitioner who may have performed workings that are acting against you, trickster spirits, malevolent spirits, and just general negative energy are a few examples of ways your ritual can be interfered with. Casting a circle prior to performing your ritual can block these influences out.
Energetic Concentration
While a simple charm to uplift your day may not be worth the effort of casting a circle, one in which you must perform multiple steps and raise a hefty amount of energy might be. Your circle would essentially keep your energy and working contained until you are ready to release it all in one burst. It can also help to maintain a moving supply of charged energy surrounding you for the entirety of your working.
Setting the Mood
Regardless of whether or not you have a dedicated physical space for performing magick, by casting a circle you are creating a temporary sacred space ("opening/creating sacred space" is another term for casting a circle or other such sacred shape that you'll find I use often). Not only does this act as a means of blessing the space you're about to work in, but it also helps to shift your mindset into a magickal mood as well.
“The magic circle is part of the general heritage of magical practice, which is world-wide and of incalculable age.” -Doreen Valiente
Types of Circles & How to Cast Them
Just as whether or not you even cast a circle comes down to personal preference, so does the method with which you use to cast it. I'm going to lay out some of the most common techniques as well as the general steps for circle casting, and I suggest you experiment with several to see which feels right to you.
First be sure to ground and center. If you don't know how to do this, you can learn about it in my video on the topic. Regardless of which method you choose, energy will be needed to ultimately create the circle as well as visualization.
Traditionally, a circle is cast by moving in a clockwise direction around the space. In some traditions, this is started at the Eastern point but if this holds no meaning to you and your practice, then there is no need to download a compass app.
If you so choose, you could--before, during, or after--recite a statement or incantation to declare your intention. As always, I recommend you write your own but one suggestion would be something like, I cast this circle as a barrier against any unwanted and unhelpful energies and entities, a container for manifestation, and an amplifier of my power. With these words, this space is blessed, the circle is cast.
Cast your circle by one of the following methods:
Physical - A physical circle may be created with an actual boundary of sticks, candles, stones, chalk, paint, salt, etc. In casting a physical circle, the caster would still need to move energy into place with the assistance of the item that they are placing (or lighting, in the case of candles). As you lay down a ring of salt or place a branch down, visualize it lighting up with protective, magickal energy. As you work your way around the circle, the energy and items will eventually connect, forming your completed energetic circle. If one has a permanent physical circle set up such as stones in the yard or a circle painted on the floor, they may simply walk the boundary while performing their visualization.
Drawn with a Tool - With this method, the caster would use a tool such as a wand, athame, ceremonial sword, or even their hand to draw the perimeter of their circle in the air as they walk the same path, projecting their energy through their tool. Another option is to sweep the floor with a broom.
Visualized - Visualization, while still requiring energy, is the simplest form of circle casting and is useful for smaller spaces that maybe don't have enough room for walking a circle or placing items. (This may be debated but I have found that it is perfectly acceptable if your energetic bubble is dissected by furniture or other items you may be working around.) Simply go straight from grounding and centering to visualizing the creation of your circle. Allow the energy at your center to grow, visualizing it as protective light (however or in whichever color represents that to you). Allow it to expand until it forms your protective sphere.
Spirit - Call upon Spirit--whether ancestors, deity, whomever--to bless your space and surround you with a protective boundary. As always, you'll do best phrasing this as a request rather than a demand. If you already have a relationship established, "pray" to them in whatever manner you feel most comfortable.
Elemental - Despite the fact that a circle doesn't have any corners, in the elemental method, the caster calls to the elements in each of the four compass points. Having an item to also represent each element is also an option. I have seen several different versions regarding which element is represented by which direction. In my opinion, it doesn't actually matter as the elements are in all directions. Go with what feels right to you or don't bother with the compass points at all. With this method, face your starting direction and call upon the corresponding element, inviting it into your space and requesting its assistance and protection. Walk the circle clockwise to the next point and repeat.
Calling the Directions/Quarters/Guardians - Whatever version you want to use, they are all very similar and actually in the same vein as the previously mentioned elemental circle. However, the cardinal directions are crucial in calling the directions (duh), quarters, guardians, or guardians of the watchtowers. Additionally, the guardians referred to may be elemental spirits, archangels, or some other entity. Or, they may simply be symbolic rather than literal entities. Much of this is dependent upon your beliefs and path, if you follow a specific one. Facing your starting direction, call upon that direction and its corresponding guardian if that is the style you're opting for. Invite them to join you in your sacred space to offer protection and assistance. In some traditions, the caster will also draw a pentagram in the air during this summoning.
While it is best to stay inside your circle once it is cast, life happens. Maybe you forgot something or you suddenly need to use the bathroom. This is surprisingly controversial and different traditions and practitioners have different beliefs about this. Some say that exiting a circle immediately destroys it. But others feel you can easily come and go by using your hand or a tool to draw a door or pull aside a curtain, step through, and upon reentering, use the same space and use your hand or tool to seal it again. I recommend experimenting before the need arises to see how this feels to you. You may sense your circle is fine or destroyed. Or maybe it seems fine for a simple energetic circle of your own making, but upon exiting after inviting Spirit into your space, maybe it feels they left too.
How to Open a Circle
Opening a circle is simple. Repeat your steps of casting the circle backward, moving in a counter-clockwise fashion. Visualize the dome of energy dissolving around you and your manifestation bursting forth into the universe. If you invited anyone--ancestors, elements, guardians, etc.--to assist, thank them for their presence and dismiss them.
If you wish, you may again say something before, during, or after closing it out. I would recommend something like, I open this circle and release the energy within.