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Cleansing Your Personal Energy

Updated: Oct 5, 2023

In my opinion, every foundational magickal practice should include some form of self-cleansing. The need for an uncrossing can come from something as dramatic as being cursed or something as mundane as a grumpy neighbor consistently shooting negative thoughts your way. The various ways in which a person can be afflicted by negative energy or psychic attacks are enough to fill a book (in fact, there are several published on the topic). While I encourage you to put in the time and work it takes to discover the source of your affliction in order to stop it or prevent another attack in the future, causes are a topic for another article.

Please note that for the sake of brevity I will be using the word "curse" as a catch-all to cover all baneful magick including curses, hexes, and jinxes.

Today, we are going to discuss methods of self-cleansing and uncrossing. I will cover the following:

  • When You Should Cleanse

  • Methods of Cleansing

  • Protection & Prevention

Disclaimer: Magick should never replace professional medical attention. If you have physical or psychological issues that are diminishing your quality of life, you should seek professional help and use magick only to supplement their care.

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When You Should Cleanse

When you are a victim of psychic attack, it isn't always obvious right away. The signs may come on so gradually that you didn't even notice them until bad luck, illnesses, fatigue, and other distressing symptoms are piled so high that you can't fathom any other logical explanation. Additionally, a deliberate psychic attack can often have the same effects on the victim as a general build-up of negative energy, strong negative emotions directed at the victim without the intention to curse, the victim's consistent exposure to a toxic/negative person or people, or even when the victim has accidentally crossed themselves through long-term self-abuse in the form of negative self-talk or destructive behavior.

There is also the fact that, as much as we all hate to admit it, what may seem to be one of the above is actually just a coincidental string of bad luck or even self-sabotage. It's always much nicer when we have someone to blame as opposed to shaking a fist at the Universe and its inexplicable ways or turning your attention inward to see where you may be letting yourself down and preventing yourself from succeeding and achieving your best potential. (This is also why I encourage you to attempt to find the source of your suffering. A cleanse won't do much for you if you're refusing to work toward your goals and meet the Universe halfway.)

The good news is, performing a cleansing ritual, whether you need it or not, won't harm you or others in any way. The worst that will happen--in the case of random bad luck or self-sabotage--is nothing will happen at all. While there are times when you should definitely, absolutely perform a self-cleansing ritual, it doesn't hurt to do a quick one now and again for basic maintenance.

But what do I mean by "times when you should definitely, absolutely perform a self-cleansing ritual"? Well, I'm going to tell you in a concise list below. Some items on the list may be the symptom of a curse or psychic attack, or they may just be experiences that can create negativity which you will want to rid yourself of energetically.

  • After illness, injury, bouts of depression, etc.

  • After a string of bad luck

  • After a difficult or highly stressful life event such as death, break up or divorce, financial struggles, etc.

  • After being around an extremely toxic individual

  • After an extremely heated argument

  • If you've been feeling fatigued, low in energy, sluggish, or foggy brained

  • During a liminal time when you have ended one phase of your life and are about to begin a new one (in order to start fresh): moving, new job, new relationship, after graduation, or even a birthday or new year

Methods of Cleansing

While I will be providing multiple forms of cleansing, I encourage you to experiment with as many forms as you are able to in order to find the ones that you like best and in order to prescribe the right style for the right occasion. If you are simply doing a self-cleanse during a dark moon as part of your monthly maintenance, perhaps it is as easy as a deep meditation where you call on deity to cleanse you. Whereas, if you feel you are truly cursed, you may want to call on deity for guidance and back-up while also performing a full egg cleanse and finishing it off with a ritual bath.

You should also never panic! Even if you think you may be the victim of a targeted and powerful curse, you need to keep calm. Riling yourself up into a frenzy and frantically rushing one-by-one through the list to make sure you're super-scrubbed will not only manifest more negative energy due to your hypercharged panicked state, but you will get sloppy. In an emergency situation, the best thing you can do is take a deep breath, stay calm and collected, and formulate the most effective plan of action. Not to mention, many targeted curses have the manifestation of fear in the victim built into the intention of the spell--don't let yourself fall into the trap.

Finally, I also recommend a cleanse of your space as well. Energy is sticky, and residue--no matter the origin--can linger in your home and eventually get picked up again.

Here are your options for self-cleansing:

Smoke Cleansing

The most popular herb bundle for smoke cleansing is white sage. While it does pack a punch, other purification herbs such as rosemary, cedar, sagebrush, or lavender will also do the trick. If you have a friend who knows what they're doing, having them do the process for you is easiest but you can do it alone. Simply light a bundle and start by circling it around your head counter-clockwise, and then moving down your body. This can take some time to do, so be patient. Be sure to move the bundle in circles around each of your arms from shoulder to hand, and each leg from hip to foot. Running it up and down the front of your torso is easy, but your back may be a bit trickier. Hold the bundle, lit end pointing up, at the base of your spine and slowly move it side-to-side, allowing the smoke to drift up your back. I like to finish off by placing the bundle in a heatproof container on the floor and walking over it several times.

This is a great method for either basic maintenance or as part of a larger cleansing ritual.


Sprays are especially useful as a replacement for smoke if you are unable to burn herbs or have sensitive lungs or for a quick cleanse. There are various sprays, safe for skin and fabric, you can purchase or you can make your own. You can make a spray of your own devising with water or vodka infused with herbs, oils, and/or crystals (be sure it won't dissolve in water!) or use rose water, Florida Water, or holy water.

Sound Cleansing

Sound cleansing is another alternative that works much the same as smoke cleansing. You can find more detail here:

Uncrossing or Spell Breaker Candle

As a part of a ritual, an Uncrossing or Spell Breaker candle are excellent tools for--as I'm sure the names imply--removing a crossed state or breaking a curse cast against you. Again, it doesn't hurt to use one if you are not actually cursed, but obviously they will only be effective if you are. Also keep in mind that in addition to using a candle, you will still want to follow it up with a cleansing method in order to remove any lingering effects or energies.

Ritual Bath

Another highly popular form of cleansing is in a ritual bath. They can, despite the name, be done in a shower stall or a tub and can be as simple or as complex as you want. Some may prefer to simply soak in a salt water bath, while others will create an herbal infusion that is mixed into the bath water, light incense, speak an incantation, and circle the tub with white candles.

If you want to create a bath infusion, put 4 cups of water in a pot (tap, purified, lunar, solar, or rainwater will all do--the choice is yours, but I like to follow my intuition), add at least three purification herbs (dried rosemary, sage, bay leaves, lemongrass, etc.), allow to boil for 3 minutes, turn off the heat, and allow to steep for at least two hours. You can strain the herbs from the infusion or you can leave them in. Add your infusion to your bath water while the tub is filling and allow yourself to soak for at least 20 minutes. Be sure to dunk your head underwater at least once.

If using a shower stall, bring your infusion into the shower with you and either slowly pour it over your head or from the neck down. You can stand under the running shower while you do so if the infusion is cold. Leave enough of the infusion in the container so you can soak a washcloth with it and use that to wash any areas that might have been missed.

Finally, while lounging in a relaxing bath and cleansing yourself at the same time has its perks, there is nothing quite like swimming out (safely) into a natural source of running water in order to cleanse.

Egg Cleanse

Even if you're a vegan, this is a wonderful option for almost any situation because in some traditions, limes and lemons are used in the exact same method. You can find instructions here:

Seek a Professional

If you can afford to see one and one is local to you, a professional spiritual cleanser can ensure that your energy is squeaky clean. Keep in mind that a spiritual cleanser is not the same thing as an energy healer, but one will often practice the other. This is a particularly good option if you have tried cleansing yourself to little or no effect and you have ruled out the possibility that you are bringing on your own bad luck. But please do thorough research to ensure you are not working with a scam artist. Sadly, this community is full of them.

Call on Spirit

Whether you simply pray or you perform a summoning with luxurious offerings is up to you and the relationship you have with Spirit. And whether Spirit to you means deity, ancestors, guides, or another entity is again dependent upon your personal path. But if you have a relationship built, lean on your patron in your time of need and ask them for assistance.


Solar energy is a common source used for the cleansing of tools, crystals and ingredients. Lying out in the sun for a good cleanse seems like such a simple course of action that it is often overlooked, but a quick nap in the yard might be just what you need. Just don't forget your sunscreen!


Journaling is a great way to vent out all your internal negative emotions in order to prevent them from becoming manifested energy. While this serves best in conjunction with another method, try journaling all your negative thoughts and feelings onto paper and then rip it up and burn it or throw it away.


Much like journaling, meditation is a great way to practice letting things go. While both exercises work well as preventative methods, they can assist in a larger cleansing endeavor. Allow the negative thoughts to flow into your mind and then release them as you exhale them out.

Protection and Prevention

As I already mentioned above, meditation and journaling are great ways to release your negative emotions so they don't develop into a steaming pile of negativity manifested, and a regular routine for space and self ritual cleansing can prevent stagnation and build-up. But what about deflecting curses and general protection?

Having wards for your home as well as your person can block, absorb, or even return curses (intentional or not) to their sender. It is a good idea to cleanse and recharge these items on a regular basis to keep them functioning well and for their intended purpose.

Amulets, Talismans, Charm Bags, etc.

In general, any small item that can be worn or carried on your person can be charged with a protective intention in order to function as an amulet or talisman. Some popular stones for protective jewelry or to carry on your person are obsidian, black tourmaline, malachite, tiger's eye, or dark agates. Silver is also a great option for jewelry and/or jewelry with protective symbols such as a pentagram, shield, sword/dagger, teeth or claws, bones, the Helm of Awe, predator animals like lions or wolves, arrow, etc.

Similarly, charm or mojo bags can be used for the same purpose. Simply fill a small bag (or make one out of a square of cloth and some string) with protective herbs, charms, crystals and stones, etc. Just be cautious in using oils. The oil can get hot if kept in a place like your car and start to smell very strongly or it may seep out into the purse, bag, or pocket you're carrying it in. If you're really set on using oils, just use a small jar instead of a bag.

Perimeter Wards

There are various items that can either be sprinkled around the perimeter of your property or along entrances, such a doorways and windowsills, that will deflect negative energy and psychic attacks. You can use red brick dust, iron nails or railroad spikes driven into the ground at each corner of your property, salt or black salt (avoid grass and plants), graveyard dirt, and protective oils to name a few. You can also grow plants with thorns or spines around the perimeter of your yard or keep potted ones near entryways.

Witch Bottles

Dating back to 17th century England, witch bottles were an item commonly used to protect the creator from baneful magicks. They are fairly easy to make and for the most part, you can use any items you like. In a small container which can be sealed, add either some of your own hair, nail clippings, or urine as well as various sharp objects such as pins, tacks, needles, nails, broken glass, thorns, etc. If you wish to add additional ingredients, that is entirely up to you. Some options are ritual ashes, graveyard dirt, herbs, oils, salt or black salt, knotted threads, vinegar, red wine, and sea water. Seal the bottle, and then either bury it in the furthest corner of your yard or hide it within your house in a dimly lit place.


Depending on your intention when enchanting a mirror for protective purposes, they can be used to either deflect baneful magick or to bounce it back to the sender. You can place them in windows or around your property and they do not have to be visible if you prefer to hide one in some bushes. Exercise caution in how you angle them as you don't want them reflecting sunlight onto a busy street where it might get in the eyes of drivers or cyclists.

What is your go-to method of self-cleansing? Tell me about it in the comments below.



Hey, witches!

Tiffany Heggebo of Bewitching.Bemused here. My preferred tea flavor is eclectic Paganism with a teaspoon of ceremonial occult and a splash of Chaos Magick. Thanks for swinging by for a bit of my musings and meanderings along this crooked path.

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Tiffany at Bewitching.Bemused has been bringing you witchcraft, eclectic paganism, chaos magick, and occult content since May 2020.

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