Connecting to Midsummer through Ritual

At the Summer Solstice, it is important to take at least a moment to honor the sun as it reaches full maturity and to show gratitude for all its gifts. Here is a simple ritual just for that purpose.
The following ritual is all about aligning yourself with the meaning of this sabbat and all it recognizes and honors. It is for acknowledging where that energy and its influence exist in your life and showing gratitude for its effects. In fact, I would suggest performing this prior to any other spells or ritual workings you may want to utilize the energy of this day for.
If you are looking for intentions and spellwork than can be enhanced by casting near or on Litha, you may want to consider your initiation, love and self-love spells, and spells for healing, personal growth, prosperity, and release/letting go.
As with all spells I provide, please feel free to customize the wording, actions, and ingredients to what feels right to you. You can even adjust this ritual to make it a group or coven celebration.
The Ingredients
Basic altar set up - this can be makeshift or portable, just something that will function as a workspace during your ritual
A pen and small piece of paper with a sun cross drawn on it, large enough to write words and short phrases inside of (a sun cross is simply a circle with a cross or plus sign + inside of it)
A white, gold, yellow, or orange candle - preferably in a holder that will block the flame from wind - and a lighter or matches
Something you personally choose that you can offer to the sun - A dance, rhythmic drumming, a chalice of water, it's entirely up to you.
Cauldron or fire-proof bowl

The Instructions
Time: On the Summer Solstice, preferably at noon when the sun is directly overhead but any time during daylight hours is fine
Location: Preferably outdoors, but if it needs to be done indoors, try to open a window to let in sunlight and the summer breeze
If it is a part of your practice, cleanse your tools, ingredients, and space. You can begin by opening sacred space however you prefer, if this is something you incorporate into your craft. For this special occasion, I would recommend you use flower petals or stones to create a physical circle for your ritual.
If possible, sit directly on the ground in front of your altar set up. Take time to ground and connect to the Earth and the heavens. Feel the warmth of the sun on your skin and pressing through your clothing. While you do this, consider all that the sun has granted you this year. On a large scale, we are all gifted the sun's warmth, vitamin D, life-giving properties, and crops. On a smaller scale, it may have blessed your yard with a beautiful and fruitful garden, solar power for your home, or comfort on a daily stroll.
When you are centered and ready, write your gratitude list on the sheet of paper, inside the sun cross.
Set the candle on top of the paper for now so the wind does not carry it away and light the candle.
Recite the following: To the sun, who has gifted us with life, I/we thank you For all listed here and more. May you continue to bring us light, warmth, growth, and healing. In a show of gratitude, I/we offer you this ________
Perform or present your offering.
Continue to recite: For all listed here and more, I/we thank you
Take your gratitude list and burn it in the candle flame. Set it in the cauldron to continue to safely burn.
End your ritual with your chosen closing phrase ("Blessed be", "As I will it, so it shall be", "Thank you", etc.)
Final Note
Seeing as how you're a normal human being with responsibilities and a shifting schedule, don't feel downtrodden if this year or in many years to come you simply don't have the time to pull off a full ritual.
If the issue is schedule, yes, it would be best to perform this ritual right on the day of the Summer Solstice. However, if that day is completely booked, just do it as close to the date as possible.
If even that is not doable, here are a few quick ways to honor this sabbat in a more time-friendly manner:
Perform sun salutations, preferably at sunrise
Light a candle to honor the sun, preferably letting it burn from sunrise to sunset (The sunrise to sunset burning is best for those who work from home or are a stay-at-home parent or spouse. Never leave a lit flame unattended.)
Leave out an offering to the sun and/or a solar deity to show gratitude
Meditate on all the light in your life that you are grateful for