Creating a Mindful Morning Routine
Updated: Nov 16, 2023

Whether you get up with the sun or you work night shifts and your "morning" starts at three in the afternoon, it's beneficial to have a routine that will positively impact how the rest of your day will go. Start your day with your mind clear and present, body grounded, soul connected, everything in balance, and an idea of what you want from your day. (Later, finish your day right by creating a mindful evening routine as well.)
Below, I want to explore the different aspects I feel create a well-rounded routine that will help you ease into the day peacefully and positively while exercising mindfulness: mind, body, spirit, and intentions. I will also lay out various options for each category so you can create a regimen that suits you, your lifestyle, and your timeframe. I recommend at least one activity from each, but you are of course more than welcome to do more and perform them in whichever order works best for you. You will also find that several of them overlap and may serve more than one aspect.
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It probably goes without saying where the mind comes into a mindfulness practice, but the fastest way to sabotage a promising new day is to start it with a sleepy, scattered mind and emotions. I recommend addressing the mind first, so it's clear of clutter before addressing the rest of your routine.
Meditate - Start the day by slowing down. This is the best way to calm your mind and find peace in the present moment, even if you only manage 5 minutes per morning. (You can read more about the benefits of meditation here.)
Journal - Journaling can be a helpful exercise in examining your emotions from the previous day and preparing for how you feel about what is to come in this new day. Not only can it get you in the right mindset but it can help you organize the day ahead.
Dream journal - Perhaps you prefer to close your day with journaling. In that case, you may want to try dream journaling instead. You can analyze your dreams from the night before in order to address your emotions and what your mind was trying to tell you that you may need to face or overcome.
Read - Reading not only keeps us in the here and now, but by doing something you enjoy you're setting yourself up for a good mood.
Listen to something you enjoy - This could be music, an audiobook, or a podcast. Start the day with something you like that will keep your mind focused on the present moment.
The goal of working with the body first thing in the morning is to get in touch with and reenergize your physical self after a long night's rest. Working on your mind-body connection and proprioception is not only important for your physical well-being and a good way to exercise mindfulness, but it can help you in energy work as well.
Exercise - Getting your heart rate up, exploring a full range of motion, and activating your entire physical being will not only get you reconnected to your body after a long night's sleep but will also loosen it up to move freely through the world. Define this however you like to exercise, whether that's running, yoga, weightlifting, cycling, Zumba, walking, or even just popping out of bed and immediately doing twenty jumping jacks.
Stretch - While this may not get your blood pumping, stretching will loosen up your muscles and get blood flowing to them. Stretching first thing in the morning can also relieve any aches or pains from your sleeping position so you're not carrying those around with you all day.
Breathing exercises - Not only are breathing exercises a mindful and conscious practice, but they can boost your energy while calming you at the same time. Also, by focusing on diaphragm breathing, you are getting in touch with your body and teaching it the proper form of inhalation which can relieve some symptoms of anxiety and stress and increase lung capacity.
Ground & center - This will get you in touch with your physical and energetic self, wake your body up, and concentrate your energy where it needs to be. If you feel any nervous or anxious energy, you can drop it off during grounding, or if you're feeling a little sluggish you can get an extra boost. If you're unsure how to ground and center your energy, check out my video on the topic here.
Mindful eating - Far too many people settle for a muffin on their way out the door or forgo breakfast entirely because they don't have time to prepare a well-balance meal. If you take the extra time to cook, not only are you nourishing yourself with the energy and nutrients your body needs, but you can practice mindful eating by appreciating each bite and noticing its flavors, smells, and textures.
Awakening the spirit is the best way to tune into the world and energies around you, find connection and balance, and it helps you stay in the here and now.
Ground & center
Prayer - If you work with Spirit or a Higher Power/Self, connect to them in whatever fashion you prefer. Spending time in prayer or worship to Spirit can not only uplift you and the day ahead but will awaken your spiritual self and set it on the right path for the day.
Get outside - Smell the air, feel a breeze, let your toes touch grass, listen to the birds. Feel yourself connected to the natural world around you and know that you are an important part of that system.
Recite a mantra or affirmation - It should be personal, something positive that makes you come alive and feel at peace, balanced, and connected. It could even be that: "I am at peace, balanced, and connected."
Reflect on at least three things you're grateful for - Not only is this a wonderful way to create an immediate positive mindset but it can also get you thinking about what paths the Universe took to bring these things to you.
Knowing what you want to get out of the day is crucial to feeling happy and accomplished by the end of it. You don't have to have the ambition to take over the world every single day, but knowing what you want and communicating it to yourself, the Universe, and Spirit can help you make that goal a reality--even if it's as simple as having peace of mind for the day.
Write a to-do list - Face the day organized and ready to go. Don't fret if you overestimated the amount of time you have in a day and can't finish it--that just means you have a jump start on tomorrow's to-do list.
Create an affirmation for the day - Whether it's your day off and your affirmation is "Today I am calm and stress-free" or you have a battle ahead and your mantra needs to be "I am resilient in the face of opposition", giving yourself an affirmation that you can frequently call back to throughout the day can help you achieve your intentions and communicate them aloud.
Perform guidance divination for the day - While I don't recommend letting the cards, runes, or pendulum completely overhaul your plans for the day or dictate your schedule, it might give you reassurance or a helping hand in how you might approach a particular obstacle or task. Or, if you aren't sure where to focus your attention and energy for the day, divination can give a solid suggestion.
Bless your morning drink - This is a staple morning activity for many. Whether your drink of choice is coffee, tea, or a big glass of water, charge it up with a positive intention for the day before drinking it for that added boost.
Visualize something you'd like to see happen today - Not only does this set you up with a positive mindset, but you'll be putting that desire out to the Universe for manifestation.
Tell me your mindful morning routine in the comments below!