Creating a Witchy Atmosphere

One phenomena that appears to be true across the occult board is an increased success rate when the caster truly believes in magick and their ability to wield it. I have heard of witches whose spells are more likely to manifest if they use dramatic but fun hand gestures and finger twirling like a witch in the movies, and ceremonial magicians who only work at night by candlelight to the same effect.
There is much to be said for atmospheres and actions that make you feel like a powerful and divine sorcerer. After all, isn't this the same reason we adjust our emotional states through energy raising and visualization? We back our magick with emotional power and then lean into the emotion of the desired effect of our intentions. Same concept on a more general scale.
Is this required for spell and ritual success? No, of course not. With enough focus and intention, a successful spell can be cast just about anywhere, at anytime. But this is one way to increase the right kind of energy, assist you getting into that focused state, boosting your magickal confidence, and adding an extra zing to your work.
Here are five ways to help yourself tap into your most powerful, witchy mindset.
Use a Dedicated Ceremonial Space
Using the same space every time--or almost every time--you practice your witchcraft helps to solidify that location as a special ceremonial space where the work gets done. Much like the classic advice for insomniacs to never use their beds for anything other than sleep or sex, it's even better if you don't use it for anything other than your craft and perhaps spiritual work so that is what your mind associates the space to.
Understandably, not everyone has a lot of room for a dedicated space or they may be practicing in secret. That's fine, do what you can! A dedicated space could be an entire room, a working altar on a desk or small shelf, or even just an altar cloth that is spread out on a surface to work at and then folded and put away after.
Mimic Your Idols
It might be the swish and flick of a wand in Harry Potter, the rhyming of incantations in Charmed, or waving your arms in a large circle over a cauldron to waft the smoke up to your nostrils like Shakespeare's witches. Despite knowing that these are fictionalized versions of magickal practice and the real deal is much more subtle in its manifestation, the dramatization and pageantry can often strike us with a yearning to, well, ham it up.
No need to be embarrassed, especially if/when you're practicing solo. This is your performance, so lean into the exaggeration!
Tap Into All Your Senses
If it won't put you into sensory overload, you can potentially use all your sense at once to set the right mood. I can't give you specifics as what makes me feel witchy may not make you feel witchy, but consider some of the following that may get you there:
Music, sound effects, binaural beats, nature soundscapes
Incense, scented candles, oils
Cakes and ale, a refreshing glass of purified moon water, a glass of red wine, tea
Candle, moon, sun, colored, dim, or bright light or imagery such as a deity statue, runes, a sigil, tarot cards, a painting
Sitting, standing, dancing, swaying
Factor in Nostalgia & Sense Memory
When I first picked up a book on witchcraft , I was 12 years old and in a small book store in the mall that smelled a little like rose oil. Ever since then, the smell of rose oil is intrinsically linked to witchcraft. I don't incorporate it into every spell as it oftentimes just doesn't fit, but I will usually take one big whiff of it just before I get started.
Our senses, especially our sense of smell, are tied to our memories and we can often use them to bring ourselves to a time and place where we may have felt a particular way. When you think of being at your witchiest, what memories do you tie to this idea? Your first exploration of the craft? Your first successful spell? Near Samhain when the veil is thin? Now make use of whatever else is tied to that memory. Maybe an air freshener you happened to have in your car at the time or a band you had just discovered and were listening to nonstop. These things can help you recall not only the memory, but the feeling within that memory.
Try it in Costume
While many books will tell you that dedicated ceremonial garb is important in that is has no energetic residue from being worn out and about in the world (and that's fine if that's important to you as well), not many factor in what the right outfit can do for your state of mind. Consider what you might wear to a job interview or a first date--something that fits well and you feel confident and comfortable in, right? So why wouldn't you also wear something that makes you feel like an all-powerful sorcerer/ess for your magickal practice?
Just like your dedicated ritual space, it can be as elaborate or simple as you like. You may like to work barefoot in a flowy dress that swirls about you as you cast your circle, or it may be an amethyst tiara that makes you feel like the ruler of a magickal plane.
Whether the vibe that makes you feel most powerful is whimsical and light, dark and moody, casual, dramatic, precise, silly, or anything else, grab that inspiration and use it to your advantage.