Dream Job Spell
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Trying to land your dream job or getting started down your goal career path? Well in addition to sprucing up your resume, gathering your references, networking, and shooting out applications, this spell will dramatically boost your chances.
This spell is very in-depth and yet also flexible enough to work if you have already applied for the specific position, or if perhaps all you know is the industry you're desperately fighting to break into. This spell is modifiable for your situation.
(I do offer this spell service in my shop if you want someone to do it for you :) )
While I am going to supply a list of ingredients, the absolute most important items are a pen and paper, your visualization strength, your focus, and your desire to get the job. However, the other ingredients are supplementary to add an extra boost. You may also feel free to substitute items based on your own instincts, as always.
Ingredients (some paid links ahead)
Pen & paper
Green candle (brown or white are good alternatives)
Something for anointing such as new moon water, olive oil, abundance oil, success oil, or prosperity oil
Chamomile (manifestation, success)
Basil (prosperity)
Ground Cinnamon (success)
Time: Either on a new moon or during a waxing moon is preferable if you work with moon phases.
Anoint your candle
Write down the following (or something similar depending on how detailed you want to be, but keep it in the positive and present tense as if you already have the job): I am employed at [company] as a [position] earning [desired salary or hourly rate]. A note on salaries: Take the number you would be perfectly comfortable with and shoot just a bit above that. You don't want to aim too low but you also don't want to go too high and mess up your spell because there are no nannying jobs in your city that pay $500k a year. Some vague options if you are open to more flexibility in your desire and intention:
I have a job in the [career field] industry.
I have a job as a [position] making [desired pay rate].
I have a job working with animals.
I have a job where I get to work outdoors.
Mix and match and modify to your heart's content. The goal is to be as specific as possible without going into the realm of near impossibility. Give the Universe some wiggle room while also going after exactly what you want.
Lay your paper flat and sprinkle each herb on the center while visualizing each one working for you based on their correspondence. Some examples:
Chamomile is for success as well as the manifestation of the job so first visualize your resume getting selected, the interview going well, receiving the phone call with the job offer.
Basil is for prosperity. Visualize your comfortable new lifestyle with your new job stability. No stress or anxiety about bills, purchasing yourself something you've been wanting for a long time, going on a vacation, paying off a debt.
Cinnamon is for success so don't only focus on the interview going well like you did with the chamomile but also the first day going well, exceeding expectations during training, getting a pay increase and a glowing review at the end of your probationary period, going home after work in a year and still feeling fulfilled and happy. This is maintaining your success in this job and how his job improves your life overall.
Fold the paper in half, toward you, keeping the herbs in the center. Turn it clockwise and fold it again, toward you. Repeat one final time for a total of 3 folds. If you are having issues keeping the herbs in, you can later seal the edges with wax or stash the whole thing in a charm bag as you will be keeping this paper and the herbs.
Take a moment to ground again and get an extra pull of energy or repeat the process you use for raising energy at the beginning of a spell. Light your candle. Imagine this flame lighting your path forward and brightening up your future.
Take your energy and push it into the paper. Visualize everything you have imagined so far. From receiving the first invitation to an interview, all the way through getting a massive promotion a few years from now and every success and ounce of prosperity in between. Visualize your debt going down and checking and savings accounts ticking up.
Once you feel you have put a good amount of energy and focus into this, place the paper in front of the candle. Picture the light from the flame growing bigger and bigger, completely engulfing the slip of paper and herbs. Then it will continue expanding outward more and more, carrying your intentions out into the Universe.
Leave the paper there for now and allow the candle to burn until it extinguishes itself.
While it is burning, go to your closet and pick out your interview clothes. Every part. Top, bottoms, jewelry, shoes, everything head to toe. Even throw in your lucky undergarments. Lay them out in a chair or hang them on the front of the closet door, wherever you can set eyes on them every single day until you put it on for the actual interview.
Once the candle is extinguished, seal the edges of the paper or put it in a small bag if the herbs are falling out. If not, you can leave it as-is. Take the paper with the herbs and tuck it into a pocket on the outfit, inside of the shoes or handbag you paired with it, or just place it between items if they are sitting folded on a chair. Then I recommend you take the paper with you to the interview.
Once you return home from the interview, bury the piece of paper. If you don't have ground to bury it in, a small pot with soil will work fine. This is a seed you are planting that you want to grow a huge and everlasting tree from.
To anyone doing this spell, I know the struggle of trying to find work and now is a particularly difficult time to find a job with benefits, that pays enough, and is fulfilling. So I am sending you luck and well wishes with your spell.