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Introduction to Scrying

Updated: Oct 5, 2023

In its most well-known form, thanks to pop culture references, scrying is often depicted through the use of a crystal ball for gazing in order to see images and symbols. While crystal gazing is one form of scrying, there are several more techniques and the practice is not nearly as straightforward as Hollywood would have you believe.

In this article, we'll discuss

  • What is Scrying?

  • How to Scry

  • Scrying Methods

Thank you to Susan for requesting this topic!

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What is Scrying?

Scrying is a divination method that involves gazing at a selected object or surface--often a reflective surface but this is not a prerequisite--in order to observe symbols and images. It can be done as a form of communication with Spirit or to divine general answers and guidance.

The practice of scrying, in one form or another, has been done in countless countries and cultures for centuries. It has been mentioned in texts ranging from Shakespeare's Hamlet to the Hebrew Bible.

There is no clearly defined or formal practice to either scrying or the interpretation of symbols that may appear to the scryer. Much of this practice requires patience and practice.

How to Scry

Although I just said this, I think it's worth repeating: There is no single formula that can be used to teach scrying or the reading and interpretation of symbols, and this practice will require patience, practice, and for you to find your own rhythm as you go.

Set the Stage

It is best to find a time and space where you won't be disturbed. Silence your phone and prepare to sit in a comfortable pose that you can maintain for a lengthy period of time. It may also be beneficial for you to ground and center in order to relax and send off any unwanted excess energy.

This will require meditation and entering a trance-like state. How that is achieved is different from person to person. Consider what you find helps you: the use of essential oils, incense, music, a metronome, etc. You may also want to consider what lighting will be best for meditation, but don't be opposed to experimenting with different types to help you see better. Personally, I prefer to do most meditating at dawn but find scrying to be easiest by only candlelight in a dark room.

This is also the point during which you may pray or make an offering to any entity you are looking to contact, whether that is deity, ancestor, spirits, and so on. If you feel most comfortable setting up a protective space before working, this is the time to do so.

Enter Trance

Again, I can't tell you how to do this as each person's practice and manner of achieving an altered state of consciousness is unique to what works for them. Hopefully by the time you begin trying to practice scrying, you should have a regular meditation practice and a solid grasp of how to achieve trance or an altered state of consciousness.

Personally, I prefer a deep meditative state for scrying as I wish to remain relaxed throughout the divination process and this is easier to maintain than an excitatory trance state. Therefore, I recommend using deep breathing techniques, yoga, meditation, or even the gazing itself to achieve trance for scrying, as opposed to opting for excitatory trance options like dance, singing, chanting, sex, or exercise.


With your mind clear and relaxed, gaze at the object or surface you have chosen. Allow your vision to scan over the surface as feels natural or hold it steady, but keep your eyes relaxed. Never strain to see. If at times your vision doubles or goes out of focus, that is fine so long as you are still able to focus or eventually able to refocus on your surface.

It may take some time before you see anything at all. Be patient. With practice, this will become easier and faster over time, but it is a process. Do keep in mind, though, that this may also depend on who you are communicating with--if you've decided to call upon Spirit--and what their communication style is.

Take note of every symbol that appears to you, whether that be something obvious like a key, cow, or number; something vague like a bird but you can't tell what kind; or it is a symbol you do not recognize or have ever seen before.

Allow them to appear to you without judgement and if you find other thoughts beginning to cloud your mind, take a deep breath and let them go. You do not want them interfering and muddying up the waters of your sight.

Finally, while it may feel natural to gaze directly at your own reflection, I don't recommend this. You may have heard superstitions of being able to see your own face transform into that of your soulmate, self from a past life, or spirit guide if you stare long enough into a mirror, but there is a scientific explanation for this optical illusion. Your brain just eventually gets tired of staring at the same visual and changes your perception of it, which can lead to your own visage taking on an entirely new appearance. While it is a fun trick, there is nothing spiritual about it and it is usually just distracting.

I recommend finding a spot above your reflected self or to the side, such as just over one shoulder, to gaze at. Sitting in front of a blank wall to do so makes this even easier.


Whether you record as you gaze or you wait until afterward is entirely up to you. It will depend on your memory as well as your ability to write or draw without losing focus or looking away from your surface. However, it is important to write down everything you saw, preferably in the order in which they appeared. If it is easier, you can also set your phone up to record audio and report everything you see aloud so you have no reason to need to look away.


This is yet another thing I cannot tell you how to do, and much like dreams, it is important for you to determine the meanings behind symbols yourself as opposed to referencing a guide, manual, or Google search. Much like magical correspondences (with which I have gone into much greater detail on this subject in the past), symbols are often subjective depending on culture, region, religion, upbringing, socioeconomic status, gender, even your own personal past experiences and memories, the list goes on.

Spend time meditating on and/or journaling about what each symbol may mean to you, how it made you feel when you saw it, anything else it may have made you think of in the moment, any memories it brought with it. If you were attempting to communicate with Spirit, what would a particular symbol have meant to that entity? I warned you in the beginning of this article that this is a technique that requires patience and practice, and interpretation is a big part of that. If you buy one book on the meanings of symbols, you will typically not find the answers you are seeking as all you have to do is cross-reference another book of symbols and you will often find that most of the meanings are completely different.

It may also be difficult in the beginning to determine and/or think to take note of more minute details in your symbols, but over time you will want to work on paying closer attention. If you saw a bird, was it perched or in flight? Dead or alive? Young or old? Male or female? What color was it? If you saw the moon, what phase was it in? Was it a clear visual or obscured by cloud cover? Did it have a halo?

Finally, always keep in mind that even if you are experienced, some symbols are meant to be vague because you aren't supposed to understand its ultimate meaning yet, it is a path that has yet to be decided, or because the meaning is general and you shouldn't miss the forest for the trees.

Scrying Methods

So what are these surfaces and objects I keep referencing you gazing at? Here are several suggestions below. As always, I most definitely am leaving a few out, so if you have an idea of an object or surface you would like to try out for scrying, I highly encourage you do to so!

Mirror Scrying

Mirrors are a common tool used for scrying. You can use a regular mirror or a black one. Black ones are often discs made of obsidian and you will commonly find these used in western occult practices, but I have also seen them made by inserting black construction paper into a picture frame.

Crystal Gazing/Crystal Ball Gazing

We're coming full circle with this one. Using a crystal ball for scrying is a popular choice, but note that your crystal does not need to be clear like in the movies (mine is opaque!), nor does it need to be a sphere.

Water Scrying

This is one of the easiest scrying tools to throw together as all you need is a bowl of water. Some practitioners like to use specific types of water such as full moon water, but tap is perfectly fine as well.

For some, they may use a water in a dark bowl for its reflective properties, while others may use natural water in a lake, river, or the ocean and interpret its movement in addition to what visuals they can pick up in its reflective surface or dark depths. You can also dribble candlewax or oil into a bowl of water and interpret its shapes or use the globules as your focus.

A final version of water scrying I would suggest is ice scrying, which can be done by staring over a bowl or body of frozen water, or you can create an ice orb by freezing a water balloon and then cutting it away later.

If you feel called to use water for scrying, experiment with the different types and styles to see which best works for you.

Fire Scrying

Whether staring into a candle flame or a bonfire, flickering firelight is another great focus for scrying. Just be aware that your eyes can tire more quickly by staring at the light and potentially getting dry from the heat of a fire.

One alternative you can try which may allow you to gaze longer, is to stare to the side of the fire and keep the flames in your peripherals. You can also use the shadows the fire casts or the smoke rising from the flames to scry with.

Smoke Scrying

As just stated, smoke is another great option for scrying. You can both use it as a focus and interpret symbols created by the smoke curling up. Additionally, if you are not able to use an open flame, incense works great for this option.

Cloud Scrying

I'm sure we're all familiar with kicking back and seeing what shapes we can find in the clouds. Much like water, fire, and smoke scrying, you can look for physical shapes and movements as they appear as well as which symbols you discover in your trance-like state.

Do you have a unique method or tool for scrying? Tell me all about it in the comments below!



Hey, witches!

Tiffany Heggebo of Bewitching.Bemused here. My preferred tea flavor is eclectic Paganism with a teaspoon of ceremonial occult and a splash of Chaos Magick. Thanks for swinging by for a bit of my musings and meanderings along this crooked path.

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