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Magickal Uses for the Rose of Jericho

Updated: Oct 5, 2023

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The Rose of Jericho, also known as the Resurrection Plant, has a great deal of magickal correspondences and uses. This plant is a type of tumbleweed that can survive without water for years. In its dry state, it will shrivel up, curling in on itself, and appear brown and lifeless. However, once its roots are placed in water, it will unfurl, revealing lush, green leaves on the inside. It can repeat this cycle of drying and blooming and drying again hundreds of times.

This incredible little plant merely needs to be placed in a bowl of water. It needs very little sunlight and no soil whatsoever. Simply be sure to change out the water once a week to avoid it molding or mildewing, let it dry out and close up completely once every few weeks, and keep the plant out of the reach of cats as it can be toxic to them.

This plant is wonderful for use in protection, healing, prosperity, and growth.

Here are several fun uses for your Rose of Jericho:

  • Put it in water at the new moon and keep it there while the moon is waxing, remove it from water on the night of the full moon and allow it to dry while the moon is waning.

  • Put it in water to back spells that you are manifesting. Let it dry out for spells that involve banishing or ridding yourself of something.

  • Use its water in your baths, to cleanse your tools, sprinkled on the ground to create a protective perimeter or to outline your circle before spellcasting, and anoint candles with it.

  • Place a clipping from your Rose in charm bags, witch bottles, spell jars, on window sills or above doorframes for protection, or in your wallet or money bowl for prosperity.

  • Simply keep a Rose of Jericho in your home for protection or at your place of business for prosperity.

  • To further boost prosperity, place coins in the water.

  • To promote growth, place your business card beneath its bowl. Or a picture of you and your significant other if you want your relationship to grow.

  • Write down one word of something you want to shrink, banish, diminish, or remove from your life on a slip of paper. Place that paper inside a bloomed Rose of Jericho and then remove it from its water source, allowing it to dry and close up.

These are, of course, only a few ways to use the Resurrection Plant in magick. I encourage you to get creative and come up with even more!

You can purchase a Rose of Jericho for yourself below (the following are paid links):



Hey, witches!

Tiffany Heggebo of Bewitching.Bemused here. My preferred tea flavor is eclectic Paganism with a teaspoon of ceremonial occult and a splash of Chaos Magick. Thanks for swinging by for a bit of my musings and meanderings along this crooked path.

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Tiffany at Bewitching.Bemused has been bringing you witchcraft, eclectic paganism, chaos magick, and occult content since May 2020.

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