Pets & Magick Part 2

In Part 1, we explored foundational ways to weave magick into the lives of our beloved pets and incorporate their energy into our craft. Now, let’s dive deeper into more nuanced practices, focusing on the spiritual connection between you and your pet, creating bespoke magickal tools from their offerings, and using their presence as a bridge between realms.
Channeling Energy With Your Pet
Your pet's energy can be a powerful focus during rituals and they can make a great conduit for receiving energy. Here's how to enhance that connection.
Energy Circles with Your Pet
When meditating or casting a spell, invite your pet to sit in your sacred space with you. As you channel your intention, visualize their natural energy blending with yours to create a stronger force. Cats, for example, are said to ward off negative energy while dogs can provide grounding stability, both of which can help with ritual work and protection.
Imbue Them with Positive Energy
Ground and center when sitting with your pet and take some time to channel your energy through your hands and into them while petting them. This could be healing energy, happiness, soothing, or just an expression of your love for them. This is both a gift of positive energy for them as well as a comforting and bonding exercise for the both of you.
Working with Deity
While a pet should never be considered an offering, they can be used as a connection between yourself and your patron deity. Many deities have at least one totem animal, and taking care of one of their beloved animal charges is a great working offering. The presence of your dog and your love and care of them can strengthen your bond to Hecate, cats with Bastet, ravens to Odin, and so on.
More on Magickal Pet Ingredients
Your pet’s natural gifts—such as shedded fur, feathers, or even paw prints—can be transformed into unique tools for your craft. I touched on different ingredients and their potential correspondences in Part 1, so here are some ways in which you can use them.
Charm Bags and Jar Spells
Collect fur or feathers and combine them with herbs, crystals, and intentions. For example, a dog’s fur might be used in a loyalty or protection spell, while a cat’s fur can aid in spells for independence or psychic awareness. A feather in a car charm bag could assist with smooth travel. And for those of you who are so inclined, animal feces can be used in curse jars.
Paw/Claw Print Talismans
Use air-dry or baking clay, or salt dough, or a non-toxic ink on paper to capture your pet’s paw or claw print. Once dried, bless it as a talisman for protection, grounding, or connection to your pet's energy. You can carry it with you, place it on an altar, or place it near where the intended energy is needed.
Charmed Tokens
You don't have to go all-out with an entire spell or ritual. Even just keeping a token of your pet on your person with the intention of enhancing its corresponding energy can work like any other type of amulet or talisman. Want someone to notice you? Tuck one of your bird's brightly colored feathers into your hair. Want to think on your feet during a business negotiation? Keep a tuft of your cat's fur in your pocket.
Pets as Guardians Between Realms
Some traditions view animals as natural protectors of the spiritual world. Their presence during magickal work can shield you from unwanted energies and guide you through liminal spaces.
Dreamwork and Astral Travel
If your pet sleeps near you, their energy can act as a protective barrier during dreamwork or astral projection. Before bed, place a token of theirs (a whisker, feather, or photo) under your pillow to channel their grounding presence. Pet them goodnight and ask that they watch over you during your nightly travels.
Communing With Animal Spirits
Your pet may act as a bridge to other animal spirits. During meditation or divination, ask your pet to guide you to connect with their spirit kin. This can be particularly powerful if you work with animal totems, archetypes, you wish to connect with a particular deity (as mentioned previously), or you're interested in building a connection with local nature spirits.
Honoring Your Pet in Life and Beyond
The love we share with our pets transcends physical boundaries, and magick can help us honor them even after they’ve passed. This can be a practice on its own or a part of your general ancestor veneration. Honoring and working with deceased loved ones does not have to be limited to human ancestors. (Check out my article on working with ancestors for a more in-depth look at the practice.)
Memorial Altars
Create a sacred space with their photo, favorite toy, a bit of their fur or other bodily item. You may even have their cremated remains to place out. Use this altar as a way to stay connected to their spirit and to thank them for the love and magick they brought into your life. You can give them offerings of bowls of water, one of their favorite treats, or even things they wanted in life but couldn't have at the time due to safety concerns like offering a piece of chocolate for a deceased dog.
Spirit Work
If you feel called to it, invite their spirit to join you during rituals. Their energy can still be utilized the same way a living pet would be, as talked about earlier, but there are many ways in which they can assist in your ritual endeavors that your current living pets cannot. Call upon them to assist in your magickal endeavors the same way you would make that request of any other spirit, ancestor, or deity.
Request Guidance
Just as you would with any other ancestral spirit or deity, you can request guidance from your deceased pets. I have found that the best way for them to communicate is in dreams where they might show up in the form you previously knew them in and physically guide you to an answer. You can ask for signs in the waking world but be cautious of assuming everything is a relevant sign which is an easy trap to fall prey to as our minds constantly seek patterns all around us.
Incorporating your pet into your magickal practice is a journey of mutual respect, love, and growth. They give us their unwavering trust and loyalty, and in return, we honor them and their spirits by inviting them into the personal and sacred spaces of our craft. Whether they are by your side in the mundane or guarding you in the mystical, pets remind us of the profound beauty of connection, nature, and friendship.