Witches' New Year Pumpkin Ritual

You can consider this a list of resolutions for the New Year. Except instead of January 1st, I'm talking about the Witches' New Year, and instead of a list of things you'll probably do/not do for a couple of weeks and then forget about, you're going to actually manifest these desires into being. This ritual will set your intentions for the year to come.
(If you're looking for additional ways to use pumpkins in your craft, check out my list of nine ways to do so!)
As with all of my spells, feel free to edit this as you see fit in order to make it your own. You can even adjust it to make it work for a group or coven.
One uncarved pumpkin of any type and size. Just be sure the top isn't too sloped as you will be fixing candles to it and I would recommend against a knucklehead pumpkin as you will be writing on its sides.
Markers or paint
Small chime or birthday candles, lighter or matches. You will need one per intention.

Time: The night of October 31st, the Witches' New Year, preferably. Much of this (up to step 5) can be prepared in advance.
Create a list of your intentions for the year. This can be as many or as few as you like, but I would recommend that if you have many, consider grouping similar ones together. You don't want to end up having to try and it 35 candles safely onto the pumpkin.
For each intention, come up with a symbol that represents them. I like to use the runes, whereas my husband prefers to come up with his own picture symbol. You could even use a single word to summarize the intention. It's completely up to you.
In a horizontal line, draw your symbols around the pumpkin. If you wish to, you could use a color correspondence for each.
Above each symbol drawing, fix a candle to the top of the pumpkin by melting a bit of the bottom of the candle, sticking it down, and holding it in place until the wax hardens again. (Keep in mind that, if done correctly, the candles could be fixed sturdily. However, while the candles are lit, please keep the pumpkin on a firesafe surface such as a cookie sheet or in a sink. Do not leave the lit candles unattended.)
If you are preparing this in advance, set the pumpkin aside now until you are ready to perform the ritual.
If it is a part of your practice, now is the time to cast a circle.
Sit with your pumpkin and ground and center. Holding your pumpkin in your hands, gaze at one intention and visualize it coming to fruition. How would this manifest in your life? How would it make you feel? Direct the energy of your will into the symbol of that intention. Repeat this process for each intention. Be thorough and do not rush this process.
Light your candles and allow them to burn until they extinguish on their own. (You can visualize each intention one-by-one and then light all the candles at once, or visualize and light the corresponding candle before moving to the next and going down the line visualize, light, visualize, light, and so on. I switch it up every year while just following my instincts and doing what feels right at the time.)
You've already visualized each intention coming to fruition in your life individually. Now, take one final moment to visualize what your life would look like a year from now if every single one of your intentions came to pass. Sit with this for as long as you feel you need to.
End the ritual with your chosen closing phrase (Blessed be; The end; Thank you; As I will it, so it shall be; So mote it be; etc.).
Keep your pumpkin until either all of your intentions have come to pass or it begins to decay. (If it decays first, don't worry! This does not mean that your intentions will not manifest. The speed of rot depends on many factors including air flow, room temperature, humidity, type of pumpkin, etc. These will not affect your spell.) When this happens, bury your pumpkin. If you don't have a yard, a plant pot with some soil will do. If neither of these options work for you, you can always compost the pumpkin. Either way, be sure to remove any leftover wax before burying or composting your pumpkin. And worst case scenario, you can throw the pumpkin out in the trash if none of the other options are at all doable for you.
